Monday, 17 January 2011


1- This shape has four sides.Two sides are the same lenght.What is the shape called?

2-What is the difference between a circle and an oval?

3- How many more sides does an nonagon more than a pentagon?

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

My friends in Spain

This post is dedicate to my friends in Spain ^^¨
It has been a long time, since I saw my Spanish friends last time,but I miss them a lot. I´m going to tell you how they are and how is our friendship:
-One of my best friends is June: She was always with me and trying to make me smile. We´ve been always hanging out together and sleeping over. Our friendship is so strong and whatever happens it will never be broken.

- Marina: She is very funny, she is always laughing at anything and she likes too much celebrities and  fashion.Actually she is a fashion victim. =)

- Silvia: She is always thinking about TV series and singing all the songs of High School Mucical, Camp Rock, Miley Cyrus...

- Irene: She is very good in sports and dancing. We went together to the gym and after that we slept over.

-Maria: she is always with me in sad and happy moments. She is always telling me how much she miss me since I left Spain and she is making a plan for the day I go back.

There are more friends but this post is very short to name all of them. (LL) I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

Sunday, 9 January 2011


What is optimism?
I think OPTIMISIM is:
- Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something.
- Look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.
-The belief that good ultimately predominates over evil in the world.

What are you optimistic about for 2011?My otimistic is to pass all the subjects with good records ^^

Wednesday, 5 January 2011


Hey guys:
Which TV series are your favorite? I love Glee
Glee is about a group of teenagers who sings and they compete against other groups of teenagers...So I would like to share with you some music videos of this TV serie.Enjoy it :D

My resolution for 2011

This year I want to:
 Improve my English.
 Be more responsable at home.
 Try my best at school...